Thursday 16 November 2017

Learn from the greatest soccer psychologist Sir Alex Ferguson

The best football psychologist was Sir Alex Ferguson

The reason why he is the greatest is because he did it on the field, he demonstrated his skills and he proved them with results.Most others are not proven as successful psychologist.Other managers can learn from somebody who knows the skills and shares them.
Sir Alex knows the proven secrets of football management.

If managers follow Sir Matt Busby philosophy "play to your strengths and enjoy the game, play natural game in natural position, keep it simple ".These are the virtues of Sir Alex that I talk about.

The 49 trophies of Sir Alex Ferguson - the most successful managerial career Britain has ever known      read more 

The greatest football manager of all time , teaches successful management through his videos. Sir Alex Ferguson reveals secrets of his success to Harvard academics

            The Qualities That Define a Leader

In this inspirational and straight-talking new book named Leading, Sir Alex reveals the secrets behind his record-breaking career.Any book by Sir Alex Ferguson will be good.

In Conversation with Sir Alex Ferguson and Michael Mortiz (Sequoia Capital)

Sir Alex Ferguson's autobiography  is also worth a read  .

                   Alex Ferguson: My Autobiography


If managers and footballers don't understand the mind ,how it works subconsciously in football , the managers/players can not have any plans for the 90% risk of under performance due to psychology.It is with the mind where players lose football games due to emotions ,stress , need to be right , subconscious emotional skills executions ,mind traps , automatic mind in football , beliefs in football , subconscious errors , brain command centre shutdown during a game , brain freezing on formation executions ,the power the thought , negative wiring of human brain and it's performance in football ,meditation , unreality reading of the real football conditions,cognitive biases in  decisions , mental traps , benefits of patience and disadvantages of impatience , impulsiveness , self sabotage in skills executions , stress responses , amygdala hijackings ,personality , ego and other psyche characteristics.

"Those who can do. And those who can't...teach!"

"Sir Alex Ferguson can do. others can't...teach!"

The reason why he is the greatest is because he did it on the field, he demonstrated his skills and he proved them with results.Most others are not proven as successful psychologist.Other managers can learn from somebody who knows the skills and shares them.

                      Footballers who become managers are the blind leading the blind.

How can a footballer with soccer skills, become competent at football management? .He does not have the skills of managing 18 football mindsets that are going to play football subconsciously , with their automatic mind.It is akin to giving the job of a surgeon to a butcher , the butcher will mess up like managers do.The people who hire managers are clueless.

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